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The arrival of the AIDS vaccine?

Johnson &johnson announced the results of the world's first human clinical trial of an HIV vaccine on July 24. The study showed that the volunteers had good tolerance to HIV vaccine. It also cited data such as "100% production of anti-hiv antibodies" and "a 94 percent reduction in the risk of infection from a single exposure to HIV".
Does the development of AIDS vaccine mean the arrival of AIDS vaccine? The answer is no. First, 100% of the subjects had antibodies against HIV.AIDS clinical expert, Beijing association and hospital infection director li taisheng told the "life time" reporter, the vaccine, the most important indicator is the rate of protection. On the basis of 100% antibody production in subjects, it is necessary to study whether it is a neutralizing antibody, and more importantly whether it has a protective effect and whether it produces specific cellular immunity. Second, the subjects had a 94 percent reduced risk of infection from a single exposure to HIV. In preclinical trials, the vaccine "reduced the risk of infection from a single exposure by 94 percent and from six exposures by 66 percent," not in humans but in monkeys. Although there are physiological similarities between humans and monkeys, the findings are not straightforward. Third, the results of phase 2a clinical trials are encouraging. But according to the U.S. food and drug administration (fda), new drugs must go through four phases of clinical trials before they can be marketed.Each phase of clinical trials has different effects and pass rates, and as long as any phase 3 fails, the road to market is halted. Only through all can enter the next step on the market procedures.In a word, the development of AIDS vaccine does not mean the arrival of AIDS vaccine.
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